Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Miss Independent

A-bunny has been an independent little girl for quite some time, she does not like getting help with anything! It started when she first tried to crawl, If she would push herself over to a toy and we gave it a little nudge so it was closer, she would not get excited it was in reach, she would get frustrated you helped and push it away again.
Same sort of thing happened when she started to pull herself to standing, if you gave her a little help she would Yell at you and get a furious look on her face (Similar to an "HOW DARE YOU" look).
This has occurred with countless things over the past 13 months, feeding; she likes eating on her own with her fingers, she does not enjoy you spoon feeding her, also playing she does not want help with puzzles or stacker's, she wants to figure it out on her own. Walking; she would rather trip and fall and scrape an appendage then hold your hand for help!

Now my baby girl is loosing all of her "Baby Specific" things, she is now asking to use the potty ( have to go buy her a seat this week) she is running around like a pro,Talking up a storm, getting smarter and wittier by the day, self entertaining ( with the exception of our 3 hours of reading a day), she lost her nighttime bottle this week so she's totally done with them, and thanks to the magical toddler pillow is putting herself to sleep.
I am VERY sad about this, she's to young to not have ANY baby specific stuff!

I swear of she looses her Plug (Binky/ pacifier) anytime soon I will burst into tears uncontrollably! That's the last Baby thing we have!

My darling husbands cheer up comment to TRY and make me feel better was "Time for another one"

Another one isn't going to change the fact that my first baby girl is outgrowing everything and its happening at lightning speed!
All its going to do is replace the baby stuff & make me double as sad 2 see them both grow up!
But, that's how it works, I'll deal... but its sad to see it all flying by! 

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