Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bright and Shiny

Ever have one of those days where you just feel great?! everything falls into place, and goes smoothly, and at the end of it you just have to share?
Well I Had a day like that today!

It started with the greatest husband in the world, getting up with my gorgeous baby, before I even had a chance to start to wake up, he fed her and played with her for an hour before I woke up, giving me some MUCH needed beauty sleep! When I did come downstairs he had a pot of coffee made for me! Fabulous start to the day!
since I had such a nice smooth start to the day I got dressed and ready to go out and about & started making some contacts out to attorneys for the foundation before I left the house!
We then ventured to the bank and to the store to get A-bunny some more spring outfits, it was a lovely morning!
When we got home, A-bunny actually went down for a nap without a fight for the first time in a week, and I was able to make some more calls for the foundation as well as rest on the couch for a half an hour!
when Bunny girl woke up we ventured out again after her lunch and got some nice new plants for the side flower beds!

We came home and I made dinner, and Lipshun & my favorite boy came over for a visit. After about an hour of visiting I got a call..... A lawyer , the firm was one of my old accounts from the press.
I spoke with him for about 20 min and set up a meeting for next week, He is very interested in working for the foundation pro bono, and wants to help us get things going fast!

Perfect end to my day! It was like the stars aligned for me today and I have the best feeling in the world right now! 
Quality day with my husband and daughter, fun visit with my sister & nephew, and the biggest hold up on starting the foundation has been conquered, all this hard work is paying off! I feel like a million bucks and like I should be buying scratch offs or lotto tickets, because I am a very lucky lady!

Now I am going to go snuggle my fabulous husband and get to bed, I just really needed to share how great my day was, since a lot of my blogs are about obstacles and funny antidotes, I wanted to share some "bright and shiny"!

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