Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pillow Talk

I tend to over research things, I am a tad nervous by nature and VERY cautious these days! I worry all the time and I tend to over think EVERYTHING!

I am like this in all area's of my life, my home, my marriage, money, and mostly with my daughter! I follow all of my pediatricians instructions, I check on the ratings of everything I buy and the consumer reports! 

So recently I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out the best way to get A-bunny to fall asleep without me camped out on her floor! 

Everything I tried took forever to get her to sleep and I was still in the room with my hand in the crib,
First I tried a musical snow globe in her room..... no luck
Next I tried singing to her luck
third I tried classical music... that seemed to help speed up the process but I still could not leave the room.

While on a shopping trip to Babies R Us I came across a "toddler pillow" 
I had read about them, and have been nervous to put one in the crib with Bunny, Suffocation risks, SIDS and such. My doctor told me after a year would be fine to give her a pillow but she is a tummy sleeper so I held off.  Like I said I am a nervous Nelly, And all my research on these things didn't take the worrying away.
This particular pillow said "for 1 year and up" others in the same area said 2 and up, so I picked it up and figured I'd give it a shot.
Its nothing special, a small pillow around the size of a small throw pillow, felt the same as a regular pillow, except it came with a satin case.

So last night we tested it out, and I can honestly say I have NEVER had an easier night putting her to bed, she put her head on the pillow and I didn't hear a single peep out of her all night.
I thought it may have been a fluke, like maybe she was super tiered and it made it easier.
Well tonight I brought her upstairs, again placed her cute little head on the pillow and walked out of the room immediately.
I am happy to report the bunny is snuggled up, put herself to sleep 2 nights in a row, and I think this pillow has magic powers!
I honestly didn't think I would see this happen for MONTHS maybe years!

I am in love with this thing, its the best $10 bucks I have spent it a while, and with good timing too! My back was starting to bug me from laying on her floor for 30 min a night! 

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