Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Cupcake Brigade

To start off the "stories" pertaining to A-bunnies 1st birthday extravaganza I think this would be he perfect one. I  LOVE cupcakes, so very much that I can eat 24 of them inside of 5 days completely by my lonesome! Since everything else for a-bunny is brown and pink, I figured I would change things up with her birthday party and do an Orange and pink "cupcake" theme party. Cute right!? 
As everyone has probably figured out I LOVE to cook, the very little T.V. viewing I do is mostly food network & cooking channel! And normally and party I throw I make most of the food, and purchase all of the baked goods! This particular party I changed up my game, I purchased the food and decided to bake all of the brownies and CUPCAKES, as well as decorate them!
No big deal right? WRONG! When the RSVP list hit 70 adults and 25 children I knew I was in a world of hurt! So I went out and bought all the supplies I would need to make 4 batches of cupcakes! (96 of the little suckers!) as well as supplies to ice them and bake an additional 2 batches of brownies! Starting at 9 am Friday morning ( party on Sat.) I began to bake, and ice alternating each for 5 hours.... 5 hours not bad, Big boy was manning the birthday bunny so I was free to bang everything out, well almost! After being in the kitchen and additional 90 min personally decorating each cupcake, I go into the living room for a little break and I notice my daughter in her pack n play playing by herself, and big boy napping on the couch ( guess she tired him out). So I got set back about an hour to let him sleep.
I was then starving ( forgot to eat during this fiasco, i was running off the cupcake batter left in the bowl & icing left in the pastry bag!) so I decided to hold off on the brownies to cook dinner, so I cleaned everything up and started on the pork chops.... after we ate I started decorating again and baking individual brownies inside cupcake wrappers ( genius idea if I do say so myself no cutting mess and they all look pretty!) 
SOOOO by the time everything was finished, family was fed, and everything was packed for Sat. it was PM, a full 12 hour day of strictly baking and icing! I will be going back to cooking for my parties, I can make enough sausage and peppers to feed an army and is restaurant quality in less then 6 hours!

BUT I have to say I was very happy with my end result, they came out beautiful all 88 of them ( the batter never ACTUALLY makes 24 cupcakes, its a jip!) and 40 brownie cups!
take a look for yourself!( I cannot take credit for the huge cupcake that work of art was done by a friend! and it was fantastic!)

P.S. A-bunny had her 1 year check yesterday, in the past year she gained 16 lbs 6 oz & grew 9.5 inches taller!  and is on track or a bit ahead with all her milestones!

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