Monday, June 13, 2011


So Lipshuns #2 baby sprinkle was this weekend, turned out beautifully, most of the people that RSVP yes showed up despite the ugly weather forecast!

The only hurdle I really had was my kid!
I thought for sure she was going to knock right out at bedtime, she had been playing and visiting all day with people, running and using up tons of energy.
BUT.... NO such luck, we spent the night at poppasons house and she was not feeling the change in scenery! She just wanted her cushy bed in her quiet room at home, the pack n play in the strange room wasn't cutting it!
It took me 2 hours 2 do something that normally take 5 min. 
And when she finally did fall asleep the entire party aside from lipshun, keanu, and keanu's brother, and of course my aunt and cousin who were also spending the night, had left the building.
so much for mommy let loose time huh!?
I don't like spending the night away from home either, I have a very hard time sleeping to begin with, and when im out of my element its much worse, so I didn't finally doze off until after 2am, and wouldn't you know, A-bunny was up and crying at 3:30?!
she would not go back to bed until after 5am, and luckily then slept till 8, so I had a grand total of 4hours of sleep. Lucky me I had soccer the next day...... so while Big boy took A-bunny home for her to get a much needed nap, I was reffing soccer games for 2 hours! ( I wont complain 2 much I really do enjoy doing it and I get 2 see one of my best friends every week because of it!)

Needless to say we will not be having many sleep overs away from home unless ABSOLUTELY necessary! 

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