Saturday, April 30, 2011


I was a comic book kid, I loved reading my comics,There was a comic book store 1/4 mile from my house and I would walk there with my mom or my sister(s) and buy trading cards & comics, I watched superhero cartoons like x-men and Spiderman on Saturday morning, and the old old school batman was my show, I watched it everyday, I could have been outside playing with all the kids in the neighborhood, 4:30 rolled around my mom would yell out the front door and I was in for the next 30 min to watch batman *BAM* *POW*! This week was the first "problem" that came of this.
let me explain the events that lead up to this issue.................

Before I became a mom, I was an Aunt.... And I LOVE being an aunt! My nephew is quite possibly my favorite boy in the world, and he is well aware of it. He has his KiKi wrapped around his little finger and has for 4 full years! Well today was his birthday party, he turned 4 Wed. of this past week and we celebrated today.
During the planning of this event Lipshun asked me "what do you want to make for the party" I replied "I don't care what would you like me to make" and in reply she stated "I don't know" 
so to avoid the conversation going on in circles I stated "Ask My Favorite boy what he wants KiKi to make" This would be where things went south!

He then said "super hero cookies"
Sounded reasonable, I am a good artist and I'm good with icing, should be no problem! WELL I was mistaken, 1st problem would be the timing! Big boy was on day shift most of the week, so I had no relief with A-bunny to bang out 3 dozen cookies! that was the big one! so a project that should have taken 4 or 5 hours wound up taking 12 due to breaking for "reading" or "playing" lunch, dinner, diapers, naps and all that comes with A-bunny! 
Problem #2 royal icing is a huge pain in the butt compared to butter cream or thicker decorators icings. It is runny and unruly and harder to work detail with!
I am a perfectionist, I like what I do to be perfect, and let me just tell you I was having some major issues with Batman!!!
Once my favorite childhood hero, now my Nemesis! It is almost impossible to make jet black royal icing, almost always comes out gray, so I used decorators icing store bought from a tube ( not proud of this but I was on a time crunch!) because I KNEW it would be jet black...... the consistency of this icing is much thicker, and much more defined, you don't get the pretty sheen and smoothness from the royal. So BATMAN my arch enemy was just not measuring up to my standards, no matter what I did, I was not happy with his cookie, so I decided there shall only be 5! Now of course that isn't the only issue! The coolest cookie, My star design, the one I drew up the minute after  Lipshun told me what he wanted was the most labor intensive! it was Spiderman face, web and all! the thing looked so cool and when I tested it looked even cooler, problem is it took twice as long to do as superman and batman combined! ( Superman was not unruly, he gets a pass on this particular issue!)

All in all My favorite boy liked his hero cookies and I got them done and everyone else seemed to like them, so it was a success. As much as I complain, I was very happy with my end result and I would def do it again ( just so long as big boy is home to occupy A-bunny!)..... 


HOWEVER Batman and I will be revisiting this issue "You can't win anyway... You see, I hold the winning card!" 

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