Thursday, April 7, 2011

Language barrier

A-bunny is trying to say EVERYTHING these days,she is picking things up like a sponge. The only problem is she has the 1 year old muddled toddler language going on. Now usually i am pretty good at interpreting her, but she's trying to say so much now that it is getting harder and harder!

she's got a bunch of words down, for instance a-bunny say the following clear as day "me, baby, no, mom ,dada, up, cup, tickle, read, and doodle"
other words she can partially pronounce are " moon, milk, puff, water, dance, bear, please and bath" these are a little harder to understand she can annunciate them properly yet
but the kid tries to say EVERYTHING

she asked me to "read me please" tonight ( as usual) and I started to read her goodnight moon for the 30th time today, and she grabbed the book and says "me read"
then she proceeds to baby babble and turn the pages as if she is reading me the story. Cute right? 
Well she then did this with "my personal penguin" and " the dump truck book"
then we got to polar bear polar bear what did you hear.... this is where it got real cute, she's now interacting with the books, as I ask each animal what they hear, she tried saying the next animal's name.... and every time we get to the hippopotamus is sit and think of big daddy... hip   hip-hop   hip-hop-antonymous.... that's what she sounds like  she is saying.... its very muddledand jumbled but she is sounding it out and trying her hardest to get it!

Each time I sit and think about these big leaps and bounds she has been making I get a little sad, although I am totally proud and am happy she's on track and doing so well, I swear I was just pregnant with her, feeling her move around, and it makes me sad that its going by so fast!

I feel like I am going to blink and it'll be 15 years from taking her to the dmv for her drivers permit and i want 2 cry!

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