Saturday, April 30, 2011


I was a comic book kid, I loved reading my comics,There was a comic book store 1/4 mile from my house and I would walk there with my mom or my sister(s) and buy trading cards & comics, I watched superhero cartoons like x-men and Spiderman on Saturday morning, and the old old school batman was my show, I watched it everyday, I could have been outside playing with all the kids in the neighborhood, 4:30 rolled around my mom would yell out the front door and I was in for the next 30 min to watch batman *BAM* *POW*! This week was the first "problem" that came of this.
let me explain the events that lead up to this issue.................

Before I became a mom, I was an Aunt.... And I LOVE being an aunt! My nephew is quite possibly my favorite boy in the world, and he is well aware of it. He has his KiKi wrapped around his little finger and has for 4 full years! Well today was his birthday party, he turned 4 Wed. of this past week and we celebrated today.
During the planning of this event Lipshun asked me "what do you want to make for the party" I replied "I don't care what would you like me to make" and in reply she stated "I don't know" 
so to avoid the conversation going on in circles I stated "Ask My Favorite boy what he wants KiKi to make" This would be where things went south!

He then said "super hero cookies"
Sounded reasonable, I am a good artist and I'm good with icing, should be no problem! WELL I was mistaken, 1st problem would be the timing! Big boy was on day shift most of the week, so I had no relief with A-bunny to bang out 3 dozen cookies! that was the big one! so a project that should have taken 4 or 5 hours wound up taking 12 due to breaking for "reading" or "playing" lunch, dinner, diapers, naps and all that comes with A-bunny! 
Problem #2 royal icing is a huge pain in the butt compared to butter cream or thicker decorators icings. It is runny and unruly and harder to work detail with!
I am a perfectionist, I like what I do to be perfect, and let me just tell you I was having some major issues with Batman!!!
Once my favorite childhood hero, now my Nemesis! It is almost impossible to make jet black royal icing, almost always comes out gray, so I used decorators icing store bought from a tube ( not proud of this but I was on a time crunch!) because I KNEW it would be jet black...... the consistency of this icing is much thicker, and much more defined, you don't get the pretty sheen and smoothness from the royal. So BATMAN my arch enemy was just not measuring up to my standards, no matter what I did, I was not happy with his cookie, so I decided there shall only be 5! Now of course that isn't the only issue! The coolest cookie, My star design, the one I drew up the minute after  Lipshun told me what he wanted was the most labor intensive! it was Spiderman face, web and all! the thing looked so cool and when I tested it looked even cooler, problem is it took twice as long to do as superman and batman combined! ( Superman was not unruly, he gets a pass on this particular issue!)

All in all My favorite boy liked his hero cookies and I got them done and everyone else seemed to like them, so it was a success. As much as I complain, I was very happy with my end result and I would def do it again ( just so long as big boy is home to occupy A-bunny!)..... 


HOWEVER Batman and I will be revisiting this issue "You can't win anyway... You see, I hold the winning card!" 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mommy Milestone

As I have stated before I have a whole host of quirks in my personality! Lots of OCD and neurosis! One of which I developed as a teenager! When I was 15 years old due to PTSD I developed a panic disorder.( it was 6 months after my grandfather passed away and my mother had her BIG surgery for her cancer) When I was younger it was terrible! I could hardly drive as a passenger in a car without having an attach, large social situations I felt uncomfortable and began to panic, and slowly through the course of 2 years became a shut in. (this was largely due to traumatic event continuing to happen during this time, mom got re-diagnosed & hospitalized a few times, a couple of car accidents, my good friends father died in 9/11, my mom passed away, my boyfriend at the time step father passed away LOTS of trauma) I wound up leaving HS for my GED, then leaving my post HS job because of it ( couldn't drive myself 3 miles down the street to work on a rainy morning had to have my father pick me up on the side of the road because I couldn't breath).
I would hardly leave my house to do anything for nearly 6 months! 
Finally one night my Lipshun ( big sister) made me get up and drive myself down to the gas station, yelling at me that if I wanted something I needed to get out of the house and stop being so scared of everything! That was the start of me coming back to society!
I still have flair ups from time to time, but NOTHING like when I was younger, I have learned to manage it without medication and with lots of hard work on my part!
However there are still things I "freak out" about doing, such as driving on major highways, or driving in the snow, and entering a party or restaurant alone( can do without issue if someone I am meeting is inside already), or being out at a restaurant or party alone.

That said, I hit my own milestone this weekend! I was very stressed from the past few weeks, with the birthday party, A-bunny has been in rare form, lots of complaining & tantrums just an all together foul mood on her part (she got a tooth Monday morning)
Thursday night was my breaking point, A-bunny went to bed at 9pm like usual, and  I stayed up to do dishes & unwind.... I went to bed around 12:30, by 1am she was screaming in her room. I got up and tried to calm her down in the bed and it was not happening, so I put her in bed with me, she then began to toss and turn and beat the poop out of me! so we went back into her room...... 3 hours later @ 4am she finally fell back to sleep & I was able to get to bed finally at 4:30. And then was up at 7:30 am! so we had a no sleep night, and then following suit with her foul mood, she had a no nap day! the child refused to nap all day long! finally at about 3pm my husband ordered me off to take a nap and said "you are going out tonight you need to sleep then get out of the house without her for a while"
so I listened, because at this point I was being so cranky and snippy I couldn't even stand me! I napped from 3:30 till 7pm and went to do some shopping..... by the time I was finished I was famished & really wanting to treat myself to a margarita, and since you cant take out a margarita, I sucked up my fear and headed to a Mexican restaurant on the way back home! It was wonderful to be out on my own, relaxing and exciting that I did not have an attach!

you will be proud to hear I did not have a panic attach, I was able to sit, eat my dinner & drink my single margarita all by my lonesome with no issues at all! I was so proud of myself I had to write about it!
now we just have to work on the major highway driving and snow driving and I could be cured of the wretched handicap I have!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Cupcake Brigade

To start off the "stories" pertaining to A-bunnies 1st birthday extravaganza I think this would be he perfect one. I  LOVE cupcakes, so very much that I can eat 24 of them inside of 5 days completely by my lonesome! Since everything else for a-bunny is brown and pink, I figured I would change things up with her birthday party and do an Orange and pink "cupcake" theme party. Cute right!? 
As everyone has probably figured out I LOVE to cook, the very little T.V. viewing I do is mostly food network & cooking channel! And normally and party I throw I make most of the food, and purchase all of the baked goods! This particular party I changed up my game, I purchased the food and decided to bake all of the brownies and CUPCAKES, as well as decorate them!
No big deal right? WRONG! When the RSVP list hit 70 adults and 25 children I knew I was in a world of hurt! So I went out and bought all the supplies I would need to make 4 batches of cupcakes! (96 of the little suckers!) as well as supplies to ice them and bake an additional 2 batches of brownies! Starting at 9 am Friday morning ( party on Sat.) I began to bake, and ice alternating each for 5 hours.... 5 hours not bad, Big boy was manning the birthday bunny so I was free to bang everything out, well almost! After being in the kitchen and additional 90 min personally decorating each cupcake, I go into the living room for a little break and I notice my daughter in her pack n play playing by herself, and big boy napping on the couch ( guess she tired him out). So I got set back about an hour to let him sleep.
I was then starving ( forgot to eat during this fiasco, i was running off the cupcake batter left in the bowl & icing left in the pastry bag!) so I decided to hold off on the brownies to cook dinner, so I cleaned everything up and started on the pork chops.... after we ate I started decorating again and baking individual brownies inside cupcake wrappers ( genius idea if I do say so myself no cutting mess and they all look pretty!) 
SOOOO by the time everything was finished, family was fed, and everything was packed for Sat. it was PM, a full 12 hour day of strictly baking and icing! I will be going back to cooking for my parties, I can make enough sausage and peppers to feed an army and is restaurant quality in less then 6 hours!

BUT I have to say I was very happy with my end result, they came out beautiful all 88 of them ( the batter never ACTUALLY makes 24 cupcakes, its a jip!) and 40 brownie cups!
take a look for yourself!( I cannot take credit for the huge cupcake that work of art was done by a friend! and it was fantastic!)

P.S. A-bunny had her 1 year check yesterday, in the past year she gained 16 lbs 6 oz & grew 9.5 inches taller!  and is on track or a bit ahead with all her milestones!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Birthday Bunny

One year ago at around this time of night, I was having NO luck sleeping at all, I was in a ton of pain..... every 6-10 min to be exact! 15 hours later the next day my pretty princess arrived, and my life changed forever.
For those who do not know I will give you a little back story of what lead up to this fantastic day in my life.
the prelude was not so fantastic!
After 11 months of trying unsuccessfully, the stick finally had a 2nd line and the fun began!
At the start of my pregnancy I was very lucky, no real morning sickness... nausea of course but nothing serious... half of my 2nd trimester was a breeze, I was a proud expecting mama sporting my baby bump in tight tunic tops and leggings and feeling fantastic..... as soon as I hit my halfway point at 20 weeks, things turned for the worse! I began getting terrible pain in my abdomen and later found out I had strained a ligament in my uterus... I was put on modified bed rest at 26 weeks,I also began having contractions at this time ( not in a pattern about 3-6 an hour) so they confined to my house, only allowed to get up to go to the bathroom, get food if I was alone and shower or take a bath.... it was awful until 36 weeks, then they lifted a lot of me restrictions because I was closer to my due date.
which was a relief considering I started contracting 10-15 min apart at 33 weeks.... these freaking things lasted 6 weeks.... all day everyday no breaks, I just kept getting told "don't call until the are 5-6 min apart and in a pattern" so I waited and waited, 6 weeks of timing contractions doctors appointments weekly for 8 weeks..... and finally two days before they were going to induce my labor @ 39 weeks, I started active labor at 8PM at night after I had done all the "Tricks" to kick start labor .... oh yeah folks, did them all!
16 hours later after a lot of tears, no sleep, an epidural and 2 boosters I started to push. and continued to push for an hour...........................................



On April 18th, at 4:15pm a little princess was born, 7lbs 6oz and 21 1/2 inches long.
she was the only newborn I have even seen with chubby cheeks and she was HEAVENLY!
and her name is Angela Kathleen

That day I felt what I knew was coming for 9 months.... unconditional love! I have never seen a more beautiful thing in my entire life, and all the pain from the pregnancy and the 6 WEEKS of contractions proceeding my labor, they all melted away.

I know it sounds cliche' to say and I feel cheesy just typing it, but it is true, I have never loved something or someone this much in my life!

On A- bunnies first birthday her stats & fave's are as follows
7 adorable pearly white teeth that she loves to brush with her cartoon tooth brush
cherub curled strawberry blond hair identical to her mommy
walks 95% of the time independently
has a 13 word vocabulary ( that you can understand not all totally formed words but you can understand)
Is wearing size 18mo clothing and 4.5 shoe
fave food is pasta & meatballs
fave fruit is banana
fave veggie PEAS
Fave snack "DOODLES" ( Gerber puffs i promise not Cheetos's )
fave activity "READ ME PEASE"
loves to dance

I don't have her medical stats till Tues but you can bet your bottom I will be posting along with pic's from her first birthday party.
stay tuned for that one too, going to give all the fun details about the party! And the week leading up to it... but today It is all about my Bunny on her birthday!
Mommy loves you, Happy birthday pretty girl!

Monday, April 11, 2011

sleep training blues

I am having the HARDEST time sleep training A-bunny! She breast fed for 9 months, and in turn got use to falling asleep while eating in my arms. Now she is 1 week shy of being a year old and still needs to be cradled to sleep! She cannot fall asleep with me in her room with her, she gets distracted and just wants me, if i leave the room she cries and complains & then winds up playing in her crib and talking to herself, but not sleeping.... she can be deliriously tiered and hardly have her eyes open but its seems almost out of spite will do everything except fall asleep..... she has gone 90 min strait the course of an entire nap without sleeping, just crying for me to pick her up.
as soon as i pick her up her head goes on my shoulder or chest and she knocks out.... its a crap shoot! I don't know what to do about it, its terrible, and she is not a tiny 1year old!
shes around 31 inches long and circling around 25lbs! I cannot cradle her anymore!
i really wish i would have known this would happen! I would not have let her fall asleep while eating! or i might have stopped breast feeding at 6 months like i wanted to!

the reason for this blog is not that i have free time, it is that i am in the next room listening to my A-bunny protest, I was in there but I needed a break from the room, this has been going on for almost 2 hours!

back in to sing more songs.... fingers crossed for me that the waves the white flag soon!

please excuse my absence

Just a reminder, this weekend is a VERY big event in our family, Our little princess Will be 1 year old next week and we will be celebrating this weekend!
Due to the timing and things still left to cover for the grand event, I may not have time to jump on here with any fun and exciting stories!
Not to worry! I am POSITIVE I will make up for it next week with recaps and photo's!

I may still jump on if I hit any speed bumps or drama in the in between to vent! but stay tuned!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Language barrier

A-bunny is trying to say EVERYTHING these days,she is picking things up like a sponge. The only problem is she has the 1 year old muddled toddler language going on. Now usually i am pretty good at interpreting her, but she's trying to say so much now that it is getting harder and harder!

she's got a bunch of words down, for instance a-bunny say the following clear as day "me, baby, no, mom ,dada, up, cup, tickle, read, and doodle"
other words she can partially pronounce are " moon, milk, puff, water, dance, bear, please and bath" these are a little harder to understand she can annunciate them properly yet
but the kid tries to say EVERYTHING

she asked me to "read me please" tonight ( as usual) and I started to read her goodnight moon for the 30th time today, and she grabbed the book and says "me read"
then she proceeds to baby babble and turn the pages as if she is reading me the story. Cute right? 
Well she then did this with "my personal penguin" and " the dump truck book"
then we got to polar bear polar bear what did you hear.... this is where it got real cute, she's now interacting with the books, as I ask each animal what they hear, she tried saying the next animal's name.... and every time we get to the hippopotamus is sit and think of big daddy... hip   hip-hop   hip-hop-antonymous.... that's what she sounds like  she is saying.... its very muddledand jumbled but she is sounding it out and trying her hardest to get it!

Each time I sit and think about these big leaps and bounds she has been making I get a little sad, although I am totally proud and am happy she's on track and doing so well, I swear I was just pregnant with her, feeling her move around, and it makes me sad that its going by so fast!

I feel like I am going to blink and it'll be 15 years from taking her to the dmv for her drivers permit and i want 2 cry!

Crash boom BANG!

My poor a-bunny is in the clumbsy stage of walking. She is still figureing out her balance and getting the hang of the whole idea!
So most walking is very slow, arms out in front of her for balance (or carrying toys the little bruit)
and lots of dropping to her BUM or knees when she cant keep steady.

Well yesterday the poor thing was having a rough day, she went to visit her MeMa (great grandma) while i went to visit my friends who just had the baby girl a few days back!
I was gone an hour and a half, when I came back it was like i had been missing a week!
Mema then reported she was a "very cranky girl" then entire time I had been gone, didnt eat or drink or nap, and was just being genrally grumpy.

so we packed up and went home, no nap in the car ( my child is one of the small percentage of children that does NOT fall asleep while in a running car!)
when we get home, I bring all the bags in and call A-bunny into the middle of the living room to get a diaper change.... this would be where this issue started!

She began to walk to me, and was uneasy, the first 3 steps were not smooth at all, and she looked  completely drunk, then she started to lean to one side a little and at this point is usually when she drops so she dosen't hit anything.... well my deleriously overtierd bunny forgot to drop to her knee and crashed head first into the coffee table with a LOUD BANG..... we have our first real speed bump!

Well if this hasnt happended to you yet let me give you a little insight to how it feels.... My stomach dropped so far i thought it was going to come out of my Bum! I got so scared I was ready to puke, that Bang was loud! and then the screaming a crying afterwards I would have swarn she gave her self a concussion!

within seconds there was a lump the size of a quarter on the forehead, that was already blue in the center & red around it, she freaked out everytime I tried to put a cold compress on it, and there I sat, having to watch it get worse , checking her pupils for 30 min strait, watching like a hawk for vomiting...... nothing, she was fine, the crying stopped after 4 or 5 minutes, and there is hardly a lump today..... 
My lipshuns Lovely advise is "get use to it, your kid seems like a rough and tumble kind of kid"
yeah not exactly the consoling words I needed! I guess she's just giving me her honest oppinion.

I think im going to look into putting A-bunny in a bubble! lol

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Girly girls

My parents raised me to like what I like, she didn't push any certain toys or cloths on me, same with my sisters... and as a result my sisters and I are very unique, still similar in a lot of ways ( were sisters) but have very individual personalities!
My older sister Lipshun, when she was a kid liked wearing overalls, digging in the dirt and playing with GI Joe, science experiments, baking and was a ballerina

My younger sister Little lipshun, use to LOVE baby dolls and pretend play on her own or with me ( I use to "run a restaurant" for her every weekend she was my patron) and playing dress up. & later LOVED gymnastics

Me, I LOVED playing with my Barbie, and dressing up in my fanciest dresses, and then going outside in them and making mud pies in them pretending I was a fancy chef! (Yeah can you tell I was the problem child?) and I loved to dance, do arts and crafts, swim & play soccer

The point is, My parents did not PUSH gender specific toys and activities on us, we were able to develop our own personalities & likes freely without being pushed!

I agree with this method and am doing it with A-bunny, my sister does it as well with my nephew C
Of course we get the girly gifts from people and I don't mind, A-bunny is after all a girl! But I make sure when I am buying her something, It 90% of the time is not gender specific( clothing being the exception and a keepsake Barbie here and there), when she starts asking me for toys she will be able to choose what she wants.
but in the mean time, I have almost all primary colored toys in my house ( of course there are a few exceptions in pink !) 

She has a enough girly girl stuff most of her clothing is  pink and purple(I really try to find any other colors possible when I buy her stuff, red blue & green look good on girls too I wear them all the time!) her room and bed set is pink brown and cream ( light on the pink heavy on the brown & cream) her high chair, stroller, shoes, hair clips, dolls PLENTY of girly....I don't think toys should be gender specific also.
Some parents do, I am not one of them! I feel that the child's personality should develop on its own naturally without outside influence ( of course if she shows a liking to something I will encourage it, but I wont push) such as reading, we all know a-bunny likes to read, it started as 15 min a day to make sure she was getting the stimulation... now she asks me to read for about 1/3 of our day most days! Or music, we have plenty of musical toys, but I don't shove her to them, she dances a 1/3 of the day to the toys on her own accord, and when she does, I will clap and dance with her.

Some people think I am a little crazy for doing this, but honestly I remember doing this and thinking it was so cool that dad "let me" help him mix concrete when I was 5, or let me help till the garden or spackle a wall ( something's only boys can do in some houses).... it was a bonding I had with my dad.... or that my mom let me help her cook ( I still believe that is why I love to cook so much) and let me play Barbie and do makeovers ( not so far fetched for most households with girls) And that I could play dress up and go make mud pies in my dresses ( okay well she usually wasn't so happy about that)

Point is I remember testing and trying things I thought were cool, that most of the world feels are gender specific things!

Lots of people will read this and say "what's wrong with her" others will look at it and go "wow that's an amazing idea" I don't care if you like it or not, or if you think I am crazy or brilliant... But that's the type of parent I am, freedom to be creative and develop, because not everyone likes the same things!

sorry for the rant, but I found out i was having a niece yesterday, and Lipshun and I were talking about this very topic.... Because I will buy her floufy girly outfits, so she has a variety of things to pick and choose from, but i will also buy her a mudpie maker and a pair of work boots! AND WHAT hehehe

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gone Fishing

Big Boy is a fisherman, its his hobby, and he has been doing it since childhood. He loves it, and is borderline obsessed.
Example; I have at least 10 fishing poles (i think closer to 20 but i never count) in my garage, 2 LARGE tackle boxes, and 2 smaller easy to carry tackle boxes, all full... as well as 2 row boats parked on reservoirs!

I don't mind it, its alot healthier then having him bar hop like he did when he was a youngin or gambling our money away in AC!

BUT ... and there is a BUT! Have become jealous of this activity, not of him going fishing, but about him having something to do independently that makes him happy.
I organize and throw parties, but I do that from home during my normal days, and it makes me happy, but I do it with A-bunny on my hip.... I cook, and I LOVE to cook, but again, A-Bunny is right by my side, and Big boy also.

There are almost NO activities I have that do not involve my daughter.... Now don't get me wrong, I love my daughter more then anything else on earth and i love spending my time with her.... this is part of the problem, I feel guilty leaving her for more then a couple of hours, and i rarely do that. I feel like I am being a bad mommy ( I know totally ridiculous, working moms do it everyday and it does not lessen their ability of being a good parent)

But as you will notice the more you read and get to know me, I have a very unique way I process things, especially my own actions.

I digress...Back to my issue!
Fishing has become an envy of mine, Two or 3 days out of the month Big boy leaves me for about 6 hours, some days more, some less.... and has "daddy" time. The envy started back when I was pregnant.
I had a rough 1st pregnancy, I was put on modified bed rest at 26 weeks, tendinitis in the ligaments supporting my uterus ( sounds complex it isn't really, I had tennis elbow in my lower abdomen from the extra weight)  ANYWAY I wasn't able to do much aside from lay around and go to doctors appointments for 10 weeks, then when I hit 36 weeks my doc told me I could move a little more if I felt up to it but NOT go anywhere ALONE.

This was the start of the envy, because at 36 weeks, fishing season opened.... right around this time last year! So for 3 weeks before I had A-bunny, and up until now, there isn't a whole lot I have done on my own, and Big boy still gets his "daddy" time. I have of course gone out for a few hours hear and there, trips to the store alone, a couple of dinners out with friends, but no routine or special activity up until now!

So I have decided that I am going help one of my closest friends coach youth soccer this season.
I get to assist her for 2 hours, teach kiddies how to run drills and play a game that use 2 be my outlet!
its not exactly a hobby, but it is something fun for me!

I also spoke with big boy a few times and he came up with the idea of "scheduling" mommy days!
(he understand how my brain works and speaks Crystal language, he knows if I have a schedule I will stick to it and create a plan of action accordingly)
So that is my mission this week, to plan my mommy days this month, lunch with a friend after soccer or shopping ALONE after, whatever I want when Big boy has her those Sundays!

just one of the many reasons I love my husband, he understands me! ;)
now maybe I wont be so jealous of that fishing nonsense, he'll have his daddy days and Ill get some mommy days 2!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Little Reader

A-Bunny has been partial to reading for a very long time now, she realized what books were at about 4 months old & began "reading" to herself while she played, reading out loud, turning the pages and telling stories.
It is quite cute, and I am very grateful she prefers books to the television.... MOST days!

Today is one of the days I wish she liked TV a little more! ( I know horrible thing to say)
She had a hard time falling asleep last night, she is still quite congested from her cold, so she didn't go out completely until around 12:30 am, which means i didn't get to bed until close to 2am.
well she woke up today in a horrible mood, cranky and yelling ( not her normal fashion she's typically a morning person like her daddy)
Before we even had her diaper change today or mommy got a single sip of coffee, she spotted a book in the living room and immediately asked "mommy read please" (very polite 11 month old! And I am not exaggerating she says it all the time)
So I let her hold her book while I changed her, and then she sat on my lap on the floor and asked again "read me please"
so I read her the book, and closed the cover and said "time for breakfast"
this was the 2nd stage of our hard morning, she then threw an all out fit crying " read me, read me, read me"
So i endured her fiasco all through her breakfast, and after we finished, between 8:45 and 10:30am when she went down for her nap, I read her Barnyard dance 15 times, goodnight moon 10 times and polar bear , polar bear 8 times..... she did not want to read to herself either, she wanted "mommy read please"

I have now had a little time to drink my coffee and wake up since this morning fiasco, but something tells me, my reading for 2day is not over... especially since she knows her schedule very well, and at 7pm she knows that its our "story hour" and goes and to the table where her books are and starts asking in her cute little voice "read me please" and even requests certain favorite books now like "moon mommy" for goodnight moon or "bear read" for polar bear polar bear.... I'm so proud that she's so smart, and very grateful she loves to read, I just wish sometimes she would want to simply play with her toys for an hour instead of every 5 minutes being asked "read me mommy"

Some days you just don't feel like reading ( I do it of course despite the distain on those days) I know I sound terrible, but I told you the blog would be honest lol

a wipe for every occasion

I know I have some issues, Everyone does, little quirks and habits, traits they picked up from family members or friends. Something you were born with embedded in your head.
Everyone has them, Mine are a little on the odd & extreme side in some cases, i have a slight touch of OCD, nothing to write home about, i don't need to touch a door knob 15 times before i can open the door, or repeat certain words a multitude of times to get on with my day.
But i have some "odd" things that i do routinely that I often get teased about.

I will give you a few examples
1- Certain foods were just never meant to touch on a plate, if I could eat 80% of my meals off divider plates i would. ( certain exceptions do apply, such as; soup, pot pie, stew, chili.... basically if it was all cooked together I am OK, if it was in separate pans on the stove, it should no touch on the plate the ONLY exception to that rule is a sandwich!)- this one is the one that gets me teased the most!

2- hygiene- If i could I would exfoliate until my skin was raw 2-3 times a day ( i actually caused a medical issue from doing this for so long, i now have severe eczema and am not suppose to exfoliate more then once a month or i will aggravate & spread the dry patches ) Your face should be washed at least twice a day ( when i was a teenager I would wash my face up to 6 times a day *not so good for your skin*)
Hair needs to be washed before anything else when I take a shower, then from the neck down, face last.

3- lists are necessary for everything I do, from my daily activities, to major events, I have at least 4 notebooks in my house at all times, all containing various check lists ( my father calls me the "list lady")

That should give you a little idea, I have more "quirks" that i am sure my friends, husband & family could tell you about for hours, but those are the biggest "OCD" issues i have.

Well I have come across yet another reason 2 be made fun of, with a child comes all new AMMO!

I have a mild case of germaphobia, as you may have noticed from my other posts.
I don't mind having this a a quirk, I would prefer you keep your germs to yourself and leave me out of the exchange!

With that said here's the new ammo, I left Angie with one of her surrogate grandma's while i went to go see to for my closest friends in the hospital ( they just had a beautiful baby girl)
I got back and realized that she went through the diaper bag, and noticed something that I wasn't even totally aware of until she mentioned it.
I have a wipe for every possible germ occasion in the diaper bag.
I have Boogie wipes for a runny nose, pacifier wipes for dropped plugs, hand and face wipes for germy people touching her and after meal cleanup, disinfectant surface wipes for shopping carts and restaurant tables, and butt wipes for .... well you get the idea.
I literally own and carry every single type of wipe made & carry it with me on a daily basis
and that does not count my hand sanitizer that is in my purse!

I guess that quirk is a little worse for the ware since A-bunny came into play!
but everybody has there "things"....... right?!