Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Big Boy or 2nd Kid?

A-bunny, Big boy and I were invited to a friends son's birthday party a few weeks back, A-bunny Love's this boy C, as well as his mommy, she getssoooo excited when she see's them. Pretty sure she's got a little bit of a crush on C.
A-bunny had a great time at the party, so good in fact that she refused to nap because she didn't want to miss anything, so I took her to lipshunshouse to try and get her a little rested so big boy could hang out at the "after party" the Big people's fun time.

well my plan was foiled, A-bunny did not nap, so I decided to stay at Lipshuns, get some food for dinner and give Big boy more time to play, I went to pick him up an hour after I told him we were going to head home.

This is where my question came from, Big Boy or 2nd Kid?!
When I arrived at the party to collect my husband, I was met in the road by him and my brother in law Keanu! What was supposed to be an easy transition in my head, quickly turned into negotiating with what felt like 4 and 5 year olds.
I was all of a sudden being hammered with guilt into staying with my so much more than cranky 13 month old in the back seat of the car!
I swear it sounded like "mom cant I stay and play" and "cant you guys just sleep over my house its ok with my mom"
When the whining and begging didn't work, Keanu changed his tactic and began annoying me into changing my mind Hanging on me ( mind you I'm about 110lbs and 5'6 he is 6'4 and 240 lbs), tickling me, using my head and an arm rest, and blocking me from big boy......meanwhile  Big Boy being the manipulative child now was on the phone with lipshun to try and get her ok on the sleep over.
after 20 min of being hammered by the over sized toddlers I finally folded, I agreed to stay until A-bunny started to have a melt down and that Big Boy could have a sleep over with Keanu. 

When I got pregnant I did not sign up for a 5'11 240lb toddler & his partner in crime mister 6'4 240lb brother!
How exactly did this happen?!

OH AND THE KICKER!! I ALMOST FORGOT.......... your going to love this!!! After the crazy guilt and manipulation shenanigans in the street were finished, don't you know Big boy comes over says "thank you" and then has the nerve to say "Your making me feel guilty for going home without me" I LOST IT I said "OH NAY NAY, YOU DON'T GET TO PASS THE GUILT BACK ONTO ME! YOU JUST TAG TEAM GUILT TRIPPED ME WITH YOUR BIG BROTHER OVER THERE" 
he laughed and just said "thank you, I love you"

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